I’m coolyea !
Great now !
Know how it feels to be hard
4 wat jump the circuta pleasure !
(It feels bad)
Got the note )KICKWE( [funny
-tedly] but having suffered paper
jawd submissionaries of medicine
without aide & unsuccessfully , I come to
-gether . Close. Successive suture’s been hard
on reality . It does not feel good to burn only empty
calories . Ageless disappointment ; Baffled by prix
fixe harm .  I am happy
as I am abandonded
by song .
Had bread , salt , and wine ; love’s acute shelter amid ongoing loss .
Alternativelty , G-d said to Job , “I’ll tell you when you’re older . ” So here’s to the future
panic ! & I’ll call on the energy of several white women , each waiting
for their own managers , daring me do demand the exact price
sheets of forgiveness .
 I meen ,, issa big deal . Party,
in the proper épistémè , but here we’ve settled
for pardon , who asks ,
How, exactly, have you been holding these 9/10ths?
How, exactly, have you entertained dis content?